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The Celebration of Rebirth Series

As rebirth itself is merely the dawning on the mind of what is already in it, the Master Teacher employs the occasion of this series of videos to celebrate this Holy Instant of rebirth in which God is remembered and communication with all of Creation restored.

You stood here with me for a moment, on that night, you remember? We were out together, we looked up and we saw the billions of stars and the billions of galaxies, and suddenly we seemed very small in the idea of ourself, yet in our heart we know that where we were apparently confined could not actually be real, all right? What we did at that time, I hope, was express the gratitude that I am going to feel with you in the idea of this. I looked at you, you look at me, and suddenly we could see out into the universe; there was a reflection of light you all know this! that suddenly came upon us...

- Master Teacher

The Videos of The Celebration of Rebirth Series

Chapter 15: Celebrating The
Birth Of The Holy Instant

The Two Uses Of Time

Episodes I & II


Mirror Neurons And Autism

The Transformation Of Our Minds


The Reality Before There Was Light

The Two Uses Of Time


There Is One Life
And That I Share With God

Here And Now Is The Time
The Time Is Here And Now
